Monday, October 4, 2010

Don't critisize

If you don't accept critisizim .

I hate people who critisize , like saying "Don't you want to buy a car ?!" , because they love driving so they think that everyone should drive, especially after a certain age ,not taking into consideration that not all people can afford to buy a car as soon as they do ,(Thank God I have car!, but it's those who don't .) critisizim like "You think you're in Kindergaden!", while they act as a kids as well!. "Don't you want to get married?" , while they are single ,"Why are you doing this and that ?" , "why are you eating this at this time ?"..etc etc , sometimes it's directed at you and sometimes it's masked under general critisisim , they don't accept criticism and they criticize all the time , they want people to accept thier "quirks" , while they can't accept other people's quirks!

"Practise what you preach!"

1 comment:

  1. I think those who critisize should get a taste of thier own medicine , when they do that to me I get angry , but I think they aren' really satisfide about themselves that's why they do what they do , unless it's constructive crtisicim , now that is a good thing .

